We me Marie in Yurika. She is a 30-year-old woman who was at 39-weeks gestation with her 10th pregnancy. Marie was suffering from preeclampsia, which is a potentially dangerous pregnancy complication that can cause high blood pressure, protein in the urine, headaches, swelling, and blurred vision. If left untreated, it can lead to death for mothers and/or infant. Fortunately, with the help of community volunteers and clinic staff Marie's condition was successfully managed and monitored through a safe labor and delivery. Her neighbors even got involved by monitoring her blood pressure at home and reporting back to the clinic! MaCHO paid for all referral and delivery-related costs and provided a stipend for food and transportation to and from all appointments until Marie and baby Nathaniel were discharged.
Sadly, women like Marie and their unborn babies are dying on a daily basis in Sierra Leone from preventable complications of pregnancy and childbirth. One village member contacted Kadija after hearing about the planned clinic in Yurika to request help for his small village. He described seeing at least one woman from his village die in pregnancy or childbirth each week. This is why MaCHO is now serving 84 villages, instead of the 8 it had originally planned to support. Help expand medical care to hundreds of women and babies who might otherwise not survive pregnancy and childbirth.